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Exemples de katas d'archi

Who's Your Daddy?


Organization wants to build the world's largest genealogical graph in history

Requirements: data is graph-like, open-ended, and must be viewable and searchable over a variety of technology platforms (web, mobile, etc); API allowing third-party access to all of the data; Facebook integration; historical records (census, marriage, death, parish records, etc) are being added by teams of people in the field--each record must be viewed/transcribed and scanned twice and verified

Users: millions of users, hundreds/thousands of third-party applications

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System context C4 diagram
Geneo4all Level 1 - System context

System context C4 diagram
Geneo4all Level 2 - Container diagram


TalesOfAFourthGrade proposé par

An elementary school system comprehensive student management system

Requirements: track absences, tardies and excuses (entered by parents, faculty or staff); generate reports on student activities; be accessible from the playground; track student grades and assignments (completed and due); parent-teacher forums; run as an SaaS system from a hosting center

Users: faculty, staff and student parents

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I'll Have the BLT

Proposé par

A national sandwich shop wants to enable "fax in your order" but over the Internet instead (in addition to their current fax-in service)

Users: millions+

Requirements: users will place their order, then be given a time to pick up their sandwich and directions to the shop (which must integrate with Google Maps); if the shop offers a delivery service, dispatch the driver with the sandwich to the user; mobile-device accessibility; offer national daily promotionals/specials; offer local daily promotionals/specials; accept payment online or in person/on delivery

Fonctionnalité Description Mise en place
Commande de sandwich Estimation du temps de préparation + facturation
PWA responsive Commande + code de récupération + heure de récupération + itinéraire + livraison si disponible
Calcul de l'itinéraire Intégration avec Google maps
Paiement Sur place ou en ligne
Livraison Envoi de notification au livreur (qui est un un interne)
Promotions Informations renseignées par l'équipe marketing ou les managers et peuvent choisir au niveau local ou national
+1 millions d'utilisateurs Système réactif et qui se met à l'échelle
Synchro commandes internet / fax S'assure que le SI gère bien les deux types de commandes
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